Enabling network access to real-time data (avoiding DCOM problems).
The DataHub® OPC Tunneller enables you to 'tunnel' data across a network, thanks to its secure, robust peer-to-peer connection model that completely avoids the DCOM and Windows security problems usually encountered when trying to network OPC data.
The DataHub OPC Tunneller keeps all OPC transactions local to the computer, thus fully protecting the client programs from any network irregularities.
The DataHub OPC Tunneller mirrors data across the network, so that both sides maintain a complete set of all the data. This shields the clients from network breaks as it lets them continue to work with the last known values from the server. When the connection is re-established, both sides synchronize the data set.
A single tunnel can be shared by multiple client applications. This significantly reduces network bandwidth and means the customer can reduce licensing costs as all clients (or servers) on the same computer share a single tunnel connection.
More features of the DataHub OPC Tunneller: