Win-TECH Software Design provides high quality low-cost software solutions to aid the design and maintenance of Industrial Automation communications systems. Based on the Microsoft Windows platform, applications are available to monitor data traffic on a serial or network link, providing extensive detailed information on and visibility into the operation of the communicating devices. Also available, are applications designed specifically for testing and simulating the modbus protocol. These applications allow you to quickly isolate problems and identify improper messaging behavior of a communications link. Each WinTECH application is designed to be simple to install, easy to use, and affordable. Thousands of dollars may be lost by an operating plant during the time it takes to implement or recover a lost data link. Reducing this time, by even a few minutes, would more than pay for the cost of the software.
WinTECH Software applications are useful, not only to the maintenence and service technicians, but are also widely used by other personnel within the enterprise. Our specialty is in providing low-cost full source code toolkits to support your development efforts in the implementation of custom modbus and/or OPC designs. These toolkits are widely used through-out industry, are robust & reliable, and represent the most cost-effective and timely way to get your application done, tested, and available to the marketplace.